Grammarly vs AutoCrit - Which Writing Assistant is Better for Novel Writing?

October 07, 2021

Grammarly vs AutoCrit - Which Writing Assistant is Better for Novel Writing?

As an aspiring author, you want your writing to be the best it can be. Whether you're writing a novel, a memoir, or a non-fiction book, there are various writing assistants available to help you perfect your writing skills. Two of the most popular writing assistants for novel writing are Grammarly and AutoCrit.

In this blog post, we will compare Grammarly and AutoCrit to determine which writing assistant is better for novel writing.


Grammarly is an online grammar and spell checker that uses AI to highlight grammar and spelling errors, offer recommendations for sentence structure improvements, and suggest word choice improvements. Grammarly also provides a plagiarism checker and a tone detector feature.

AutoCrit is a writing assistant designed specifically for fiction writers. AutoCrit analyzes your text based on genre-specific algorithms and highlights potential issues with pacing, dialogue tags, word choice, and much more. AutoCrit includes a manuscript comparison feature that allows you to compare your manuscript to published books in your genre for benchmarks.

While Grammarly has a broad range of writing features, AutoCrit specifically tailors its functions to fiction writing. Therefore, in terms of features, AutoCrit is the winner.


When it comes to accuracy, both writing assistants excel in their respective areas. Grammarly has an impressive grammar and spell checking system and can catch errors that you may overlook. Meanwhile, AutoCrit has a specialized algorithm that analyzes your manuscript's structure, pacing, and dialogue.

In terms of accuracy, we can call this a tie.

User Interface

Grammarly has a straightforward user interface that is easy to use. Simply copy and paste your text into the Grammarly editor, and it will start highlighting potential issues. Additionally, Grammarly has a browser extension, which allows you to use the platform in various contexts, such as composing emails or writing social media content.

AutoCrit has a more complicated user interface, which may be challenging to navigate at first. However, once you get the hang of it, you'll see that the platform is easy to use.

In terms of the user interface, Grammarly takes the win. Its user-friendly interface and browser extension make it easier for users to integrate writing assistantship into their daily lives.


Grammarly has various free features, such as basic grammar and spelling checks. A premium subscription to Grammarly costs $11.66/month for an annual fee or $29.95/month for a monthly subscription.

AutoCrit offers a payment structure based on word count. The premium subscription starts at $8/month for up to 5,000 words and goes up to $30/month for up to 150,000 words.

In terms of affordability, Grammarly wins. Its pricing is reasonable, and it offers more value for the price.

Customer Support

Grammarly offers customer support via email, social media, and an extensive knowledge base. AutoCrit provides customer support through email and a knowledge base.

Based on the customer support available, Grammarly takes the lead. It has more options available to users than AutoCrit.


Both Grammarly and AutoCrit have their unique features, and choosing between them ultimately comes down to personal prefrence. However, if you're looking for a writing assistant tailored specifically to fiction writing, AutoCrit would be the better option.

Overall, Grammarly is the winner. Its broad range of features, affordability and customer support outweigh AutoCrit's specificity to fiction writing.


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